Cartouche pour HP Nr. 339 black

Item number: 11-11-0005-200339

kompatible Patrone zu HP 339, C8767EE black

Category: HP

19,50 €

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Kompatibel zu: HP Deskjet 5740, 5745, 5940, Deskjet 6520, 6540, 6540d, 6620, 6840, 6940, 6980, 9800, 9800d, Officejet 6310, 6315, Officejet K7100, Officejet 7210, 7310, 7410, Photosmart 2575, 2610, 2710, Photosmart D5160, Photosmart 8050, 8150, 8450, 8450gp, 8750, 8750gp, Photosmart Pro B8350

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